Friday, December 5, 2008

Bodypainting X-hibition Nov 2008

I just held an event in beautiful Jamaica at resort called Hedonism III. We put on a bodypaint week at the resort. Hedonism III lets go there to show off bodypainting and beautiful models to show it off. We had bodypainting artists there as well as beautiful girls that love bodypainting. This was our second event and looking forward to our third one coming up next May. So we were there for 7 days. It was more of a vacation for everyone than anything. Yes we were painting everyday and doing photoshoots as well. But, I looked for artists that love what they do and girls that love being painted and modeling. As for me I love what I do, so it wasn't work for us. We laid out during the day and as we sipped on tropical drinks.
Every night at Hedonism resort they have themed parties. So all the guest get dressed up according to the themes. The girls would come to me and the other artists and ask to be body painted as part of their costumes. We were more than happy to help them out with their costumes. Some of the themes are Lingerie party, Toga party, Fetish Party, Pirate nite and so on. Every night was a new adventure. I was so happy with the group I brought over there. Everyone got along so well with each other. New friendships were made. You can go to to see the hundreds of pictures I uploaded from the trip.

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